Tuesday 27 January 2009

update and general dilly dallying

been hard at work at uni fun and games. doing a knitting project which is really exciting making these orb/drop bird feeders. so loving that and while knitting been watching the excellent sopranos and project catwalk which is my guilty pleasure. i keep finding areas of interest, my blog roll is a mish mash of feminist blogs, and craft blogs and knitting blogs its all just a bit crazy i keep thinking i should make a new blog for each but i really don;t write enough goin this blog so i don't think that would work. which is silly a i get annoyed when other people, who i'm interested in don't post ,hypercritical moi?

apart from that i've been reading the twilight series, which has sparked my curiosity about the film, the books are very readable, so much so that i've forbidden myself to rad the next book till after my assessment as otherwise i won't do work however enjoyable.
the only downside is how Bella ( our heroine) loses all her identity and slips into the very co dependant relationship, which is a little worrying also the thinly veiled meanings of abstinence and no sex before marriage etc etc, similar to the lion the witch and the wardrobe with its Christianity subtext. but i think if these books had come out when i was 14 i wouldn't have got that ( again similarly to TLTWATW (also abbreviations aren't always helpful i see that now)) but over all they are good books.

i keep meaning to take pictures of the Dr who scarf i made for M a million years ago but no it had to rain didn't it, also i've been lazy/busy but still.

I've been playing allot of left for dead, which is a co - op zombie game which is awesome, once i got over my initial fear it a so freaking cool.


FreeWildebeest said...

Oooh a fellow L4D player. What's your steam ID? I'm free_wildebeest.

Sam said...

awesome, i don't have 360 myself so have to play on mark's but my gamername is 'worshiper of Te' :)

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