Friday 10 August 2007


metalsunflower has inspired me to continue her recent post about vampires, of course all vampire lore is different and we have nothing really concrete to base this all on blah blah blah but i wirte what i have gleamed form watching many a vampire film/tv/book/general

for general research watch buffy and angel lol
but also if you want to look at the historical side then you may wantto look at
countess bathory, she is known as the bloody countess known for her liking to kill young owman and bathe in her blood to keep her young.

an interesting article can be found here

vampires have been romanticised alot throguh anne rice books and just in general and to that there is an appeal who really wants to know the true brutality of a predator who hunts you. for that you have werewolves :)

sometying most agree on is that they all heal very fast, exceptions come in when silver is involved
the Anita Blake books by laurelk hamilton are fantastic go read,

in the Anita Blake book all vampires can heal wounds as long as molten silver isn't poured in that stops it form healing

ways to kill vampires tend to be unanimous, get the head or severe the head from the spinal cord. how you do this is hobson's choice, in various lore the heart must be pierced with wood, hence a stake but a head can be decapitated any way i believe.

more later
anything you particulaly want to know let me know :)


1 comment:

Kirsten said...

Wow! Thank you! My friends are great. Many glomps. Xxx k