Sunday, 15 April 2007

within temptation and corsets...and latex...

:D :D

fantastic! mwahahaha excellent night, fantastic company.

now, was her corset custom made do you think? ( my astounding english there lol) i think it must have been you could do a contract so that you cupplied her with all her corsets on her tour.

that is one of my dreams to open my own corset shop. and stock all the big names and be able to fitand be around corsets all day long
but.. and there is always a but it is a cottage market and i probably wouldn't be a ble to survive on it and you go under.....

i've relised now my easter hols are over there is so much i wanted to do and didn't ( damn work but on a sidenote i've sortedout all my underpayment so next week i should be getting a nice little bundle... which will go straight to my holiday fund which is embarassingly small, but i did buy the most gorgeous corset in the world. with the money, hand cusotm made and steel boned *drool* but i digress) so i have decided when i finish my course over the summer i want to make a load morre latex clothing, i'm thinking a skirt and then a fishtail skirt and maybe another corset. i have a ll the materias and glue but its just getting myself motivated

fariy goth mother has some gorgous latex dresses, i drooled as well as the corsets of course. i think the shop assistant thought i was a lesbien but that maybe because rachel told him one of the reasons i watched buffy was becasue i fancied her . which is untrue there were ALOT more reasons for watching buffy goddamnit!

but yeah i'm back at college tomorrow so i'm now rushing around going eep about how much work i haven't done.

fun fun fun
thank you for you comments on my other post, i think its better now but we'll see but they were much appreciated as always



Kirsten said...

Steel boned??!!
But yay for corsets! And Within Temptation!

Rachel said...

Sorry.... I mean.... er...! :D

Anyway you SO DO fancy Buffy
tee hee :P
Woop for money :D
And corsets.
I want her corset.
In black. And less fluffy.
She was dressed like Em dresses....

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