Monday, 2 April 2007


alots been going on

i have a problem, i'm worried one of my friends is suffering form depression, they aren't sleeping, are really de motivated, they aren't eating properly, they find even small tasks pointless. all these point towards depression, i'm mentioned this to them but i have yet to get a response,

i found a quiz on the interent about whther you suffer form depression, i hope this will help them see that there is something medically wrong with them. i'm really worried about them.

i don't know what to say to make it better.

and one by one their drivnig their friends away and i can see this but i don't want to get into another confrontation with them, i've been speaking with them on the phone alot and i don't want to talk that way about important stuff as its so impersonal. this is why i hate having arguements with ant on the phone, ( sorry debates).

also itsd bringnig me down, i know it shouldn't but i really care for them and when they are hurting i hurt.

i'm seeing them soon so maybe things will get better if i can talk to them about it, and get them to get help... maybe..


Rachel said...

Good luck darling.
Um, but just one thing....
please, please don't get too involved. I know it sounds really harsh and difficult but you've got to be careful with yourself - as I found out, that night at Louise's - remember that?
Anyway, love you & I'll see you soon, I hope
xxxx R

Kirsten said...

Firstly, being there as a friend and just listening is probably the only thing you can do. But that's likely to be a huge help.

But I agree with Rach - you need to take care of yourself too, and not let yourself feel to dragged down or guilty by what's going on.

Hope things are better by now.
Many hugs,
Xxx k

laura, em n em said...

you can have a glomp when i get back. give them the samaritan number maybe? my mum will have it lol.